Wednesday, April 26, 2006
im fainting.
lalala, im falling in love with ZHIYANG..
im pratically repeating er shi er, over and over again
without getting bored at all.
finally i got the lyrics, if not i wld continue singing,
and spoil the whole song. haha.
and zhiyang is going to MJC to perform,
heard frm sources, my source which is billie!
or rather billie's sister!
she's gna help me record or video tape it,
whatever, i must get the singing!
oh my god, im hyperventilating alr.
ZHIYANG just rocks my socks (:
and if you didnt kno who this is, which is so obvious,
it's me YEES! :DD
its beautifools. 4:36 PM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
hahas. LOL ppl here nv post =/
ohkay heres something i find it really funny.
yest while yees, gn, bong were waiting for bus 39, yees said something real funny. den we were laughing n was abt to stop liao den gao ning started laughing. she said she was thinking whether it was funny. den she was lke: i must think first before laughing mah. using brains is gd. funny then laugh.
wa haha. so funny. if u were there u wld noe how funny it was. hahas. me n bong decided to be real evil today. we msged ******r say that gn lke him. hahas den say that his hair really nice. haha. den said that dont tell gn we say. ******r was lke waa lke tt so bad. ahahahahhhaaa. my hair is nice! lol him. then he say what u and grannie la. haha. i was lke hmm. why u always sae? he went: oh because grannie is cute i thought u lke him. when i told him i dont. he laughed. LOL.
thats why its a warning to all. all ppl whose head are crooked are mad! (:
ohkay i dont really have much to post =/
i'll find someting soon so beautiFOOLS keep the blog alive!
its beautifools. 4:20 AM
Saturday, April 15, 2006
have u ever thought abt the people u had broke u noe because of u always toking to tricia,josephine feels very left out..and it is all because u got nobody to tok to so u go around toking to people's friends..
and if u wan to tok to somebody can u pls dun start toking to a guy whenever u see one and ignore that person as though she is invisible..and u are still treating joey like a sparetire..
u were toking to her halfway and when u saw zhirong coming u started toking to him..and joey was still toking to u halfway..wad kind of attitude is this..u got manners one anot..not only izzit rude la..and it shows how damn flirt u are..guys are not the only things that are important in life..but maybe it is in YOUR life..
can't type ler..need to go..continue tomorrow..hahas..
its beautifools. 5:50 PM

and people look at this!
its beautifools. 4:45 PM
hey all, do you know that,
beautiFOOLS are so famous that,
someone says she dont wna talk about us,
but the fact tht she's still talkin abt us,
tho she's just stating a fact about us,
how absurb can she be (:
asking people questions is a form of talking still,
if not wht's tht? singing? farting? or evn worse still pooing?
stated tht she doesnt wna waste time on us,
so in the first place, she did not have to start the post with
I not trying to tok about U ALL..
oh, whatever,
we are talking about you know,
and you can waste all your precious time on us,
which is so not our business can.
in short, the whole post is talking abt us,
being so, whatever you think abt us.
we are the SOME PEOPLE, so what..
aiya, i dont wanna waste time on you,
is you say you dont bother ma.
HECK, why does it all sounds so familiar.
hyah hyah hyah. (:
we didnt proclaim tht we are right in any way,
we are just fighting for our rights.
ASKING is not a form of talking,
and you are just another piece of POO la,
who cares, you the the dust in our eye.
btw, this is YEES :DD
its beautifools. 4:41 PM
I not trying to tok about U ALL, jus about SOME PEOPLE but if u think u all are this kind of person... no choice larh. Sui bian lor, its not that i really wan to TALK to u all... i only ask u all things. Thats not call TALK. Anything u wan lar... u got so many friends who support u, even IF u did something wrong or what they will stay say "Yay Billie!" or those de larhs. Dun wan waste time writing about u larh. Is u say u dun wan bother first de.
I really dislike people who dislike others but still act as they like the person alot like that lah. Nothing for them to gain also. If someone's friend very bad to u, doesn't mean the person himself or herself is bad to u as well. If that person close friend hate/dislike u, doesn't mean the person him/herself hate or dislike u. Thats why dis world is very strange and people always backstab, betray each other.
frm kaitings blog. visit it sometime its nice with all those REALLY nice things ya?
oh man this shall be one post abt my darling best friend!
ohkay lets start with being nice ((: as usual.
hahas. so here i am trying to be nice to u, n wad does our dear bestfriend says?
oh n she says.
But it is f***ing confusing coz they are good to me sometimes, and they treat me quite badly sometimes. So are they good to me? Or dey jus like to use me as something to joke about so that they can be happy leh?
oh mine im really starting to find this thing really funny. LOL. as in, is she in the right mind. when ppl are nice to u, u say these stuffs. oh ya, if u think we re fingding stuffs to joke abt u? oh tts just too bad. cos WE donte have all the time in the world to just pick on the scum of the world. YES. look dear my darling bestfriend, i've been trying to be nice to u LOL. i think this is the first time im using this to shoot u. oh yes, if u plan to call me a bitch or jian ren? u can forget it cos NOW I HEREBY PROCLAIM TT ME, NG YI JUN, IS A BITCH! n im duper proud of it. u may not noe wad re the meanings. but ohsopretty girl. i scold ppl without noeing what ure talking abt. n let me teach u, bitch refers to hot n sexy. oh yes u re talking abt me! im so so honoured. ((: thx for ure wonderful compliment! oh yes, THINK! u think i would be jealous because all the boys lke to be with you then me? oh no, i think ure not using ure brain here. or maybe u just have a pea brain here. oh GENTLE reminder, at least i dont act lke 2 different person in frnt of the boys n girls. u flirt n i dont! ohkay? even if i lke a person i dont go arnd thinking tt whatever he did was right! not lke u. WOW with ure sooooo fierce look when we scold one of ure jiang yi qings friend. n oh ya tt was just OH SO SCARY. thank you. n WE dont intend to become ure sparetires once again.
oh yes. one mre thing. singapore is a free society. theres no law abt what i can say to ppl. oh yes my darling bestfriend. if u aint talking abt us, WHY would u go to that extend to go n read billies blog n REPLY? oh mine, n u say tt as long as WE HAPPY JIU HAO? tis is so fucktarded man, opps. vulgarities. what if i say YAY BILLIE! is lke totally MINE problem. n oh yes. if u wld think carefully, whos in the wrong first. us or u? what do u do when ure talking to someone n u see a boy walking pass n commenting abt something? oh yes. U'LL JUST DROP TT PERSON URE TALKING TO N TALK T TT BOY! this is so lke a tv serial. flirtous ppl. in pub.
looks whos the one who started betraying her n backstabbing here, do U EVEN NOE THE MEANING? nvm since im sooo nice i shall tell u! betraying is leaking secrets. backstabbing is when u pretend to lke one person, n u talk bad at the back.
n oh yes. i learnt tt frm u girly! i have attitude problem? oh yes, n u sure have more than me. its lke WHATEVER. oh yes. i have the time in the world. if u wan to noe, cos girl i so totally cant stand u.
YES, im biased den? lol. why not i give u the bloody class manager badge n u try being one for a day? i bet u cant even take it. n U say im biased? oh man. since when did i not ask MINE beautiFOOLS to keep quiet first? i did alright if u dont understand what im talking abt. n i just ask the others to keep quiet later one. whats with all the er xinx ting when u walk past me? LOL. i had enough of ure friggling childish act. u complain abt almost every single thing. LOL. n wad did u say lna was a flirt? arent u now? n u dont lke lena? n ure still trying to talk to her? n tricia? u said u dont lke her, n now ure stcking to her lke goo. oh no! i guess i was too mean. i shldnt have leaked out tt maybe ure just too desperate to find a friend. cos the guys have life too. DUH. oh ure just so whatever. n YES again. we were talking abt u during the sports day.
cos u accidentally snatched something lol. yes the key words are accidentally SNATCHED. n u think the whole world wants ure no. oh man. tts so poo-y. n we dont give a damn when ppl want ure no. as we said singapore is a free country. we can choose to give ure no or not. its so not our bloody problem. oh yes. u can change ure PRECIOUS no if u want we DONT care. dont come begging to us to tell us not to give those PRECIOUS no, we wont care. get it? or issit tt u just want to emphasis the fact tt some one asked for those nos? oh yes. we re not lke u. get it? we dont purposely act for the guys to see. wear all those exposing things. LOL.
ohkay im tired of typing so i shall stop here for now ((: cheeros. SORRY FOR STEPPING ON URE TAIL =/ miss teoh kai ting. yes its u.
its beautifools. 1:48 AM
Friday, April 14, 2006
tis is JOEY and i'm at gn's house~
HAHA...headache now..
o.O today yi jun not veri happy wor..muz cheer her up..=)
hmm.stopping here..suppose to be doing alive! now haha..
stop by my blog?
its beautifools. 11:00 PM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
it's YEES, it's YEES, mayday, mayday,
yay, nadiah made a blogskin for us!
it's super nice right?
aww, we all know, but the credit goes to NADIAH!
and a lil to us, cause we posed beautifully for the camera (:
and im listening to SUPERWOMAN,
sang by zhiyang, he has a sexy voice too okay!
im only hu,hu,hu,hu man
i shall add him to my list of sexy voices, haha.
so i slept soundly like a pig,
wahh, feel so refreshed la (:
the first time in this year can sleep till so late,
during weekends,
while others have to be woken up by their alarm clocks,
or rather their mums or maids.
and unwillingly drag themselves to sch.
while we still can play in the morn.
but it;s at JURONG stadium, yes, jurong.
we have to go to lakeside mrt,
then we take a shuttle bus there.
at least they provide a shuttle bus service for us (:
maybe i can go find my grandma lehh.
since she stays so near.
once again, WE LOVE NADIAH!
im so gonna scream at SPORTS MEET!
we shall win the best cheer title agn!
see ya folks (:
its beautifools. 9:51 AM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
gaoning-'DON'T STRESS'-quote from when going home gn was like depressed or rather,tired la..hahas..
ya.have to go beg nadiah to help us..hahas..yijun,we shall go pester her now..hahas..
this was juz a random post.cause i was too bored=]
its beautifools. 4:00 PM
heres me n im YIJUN! reminder ppl. altho we re the beautiFOOLS now, but our heart are still in sparetires ((: THE WAY WE THINK!
oh yes ppl. we have to remind gn to DONTE STRESS! hahas. LOL.
its beautifools. 12:52 AM
Saturday, April 08, 2006
the start of beautiFOOLS
hey one and all, young and old.
we are, as you can see, beautiFOOLS!
we are; made up of,
cheot yee see, lee gao ning, ng yi jun, joey poh, billie tan (:
yeap, tht's US.
in short, you can call us,
YEES/chen yi xi/shi ying jun, lee mei ren/li hei, huang xiao sa, fu xing gan,
and last but not least our BONG/chen shuai ge/applehead??
hah, y'all might be thinking why beautiFOOLS?
we shall tell you all about it, er-hem.
once upon a time,
there were 5 little girls,
they were so close together,
they did everything together, eating, playing and all.
and we even liked the same guy, hahaha.
nope, tht's not true...
anyways, back to my story,
so they decided to have a name for their clique.
and tada, beautiFOOLS just came into their little innocent minds.
and there you go, the beautiFOOLS,
who crap all day long, munching durians,
laughing like mad hyenas on buses, everywhere, anywhere, anytime
we wld crack up laughing, we have loads of laughing gases (:
hoho, we can be lame, we can also be serious if we want.
for now, this is all,
we shall go search for a blogskin
or maybe try, TRY to make one.
if we can, but yes, we shall have a nicer blogskin,
then this stupid dotty looking one.
okay, goodbye all,
*the rest are surrounding the com,
looking at me typing, tee hee hee. ^.^
its beautifools. 4:21 PM